map of North Carolina

3 Essentials When Moving Across State Lines

One of the great things about living in the United States is how many different regions the country contains. It’s relatively easy to move from a cold, mountainous area like Vermont to a sunshine state like Florida. If you love the desert, you can head to the Southwest. Americans can travel to new vistas without too much trouble. And, if they like those new views, they can settle down in a new spot. That’s part of why so many Americans have been moving in recent years.

If you’re one of many Americans who have become enamored of a state outside the one you live in, that’s great! Before you hire a long-distance mover, though, there are a few things you need to know. States differ in more than just their geography — there are different tax laws, new licensures, and more. Here are three essentials anyone should know before finding a property for sale in a new state.

New State, New Cost of Living

There are plenty of reasons to move to the Carolina Coast — the gorgeous views, the perfect weather, the warm and welcoming culture, to name a few. Did you know, however, that it’s also one of the states with the lowest taxes? Property taxes, in particular, are very low in the Tarheel State — just 2.08%. By moving to a state with lower taxes, you can actually save yourself thousands of dollars a year. Also, those lower costs mean retailers, restaurants, and other proprietors of services can charge a little less. Those lower costs add up to a higher quality of living for folks who choose to move to a stunning spot like North Carolina

Organize Your Paperwork

Each state comes with its own little peculiarities and logistical particulars. That’s why it’s worth your while to make a list of all the paperwork you’ll need to update for your move and what the deadline is for each. You’ll need a new driver’s license, a new car registration, a new doctor, and more. It can seem overwhelming! That’s why a master list with a plan for each item is the way to go. There are also a number of useful apps designed to help folks keep track of elaborate to-do lists. It may be a good idea to download one of these ahead of a major relocation. 

Timing is Everything

When thinking about relocating, one of our agents Denis Symington offers this advice, “Considering relocating to NC? My advice is to do it now. Don’t wail for the market to change, an interest rate to drop, kids to get settled, etc. I consistently hear folks say they wish they moved sooner. Not once have I heard the reverse.” Timing is everything when planning to move, so we encourage you to schedule your visit. Wondering about our temperature in the winter? Come during the colder months to find out. Curious about the beach in the summer? Well there’s your time to visit! According to our agent Judson Poole, when people says they’re considering making a move to Coastal NC, his response is “Life is shorter than we all imagine, so don’t just sit on the sidelines, come for a visit!” We couldn’t say it better ourselves, so what are you waiting for?

Whatever your state of choice, it’s worth researching the area and taking a visit before settling on a new home. Where will you find a better quality of life, lower costs, and gorgeous weather? How can you streamline your logistical plans to lower the stress of a move? When is the best time to move to a new state?
Coastal Community Real Estate Group (CCREG) has been helping new home buyers navigate these questions for decades. We’ve mastered the local real estate market and understand what it means to move to a new state. Our agents are excited to share their knowledge with you. Learn more about the CCREG team or get in touch to hear about how we can support your home-selling journey today. Give us a call at 833-767-1745.