From historic sites such as Fort Fisher in Kure Beach and Fort Johnston in Southport to the battleship north CAROLINAmooredacross from downtown Wilmington on the Cape Fear River, our Carolina Coast is rich with history. One piece of history close to beachgoers’ hearts is lighthouses. Once used for seafarers’ navigation, lighthouses still attract hundreds of visitors a year. There are seven lighthouses in North Carolina, two of which are located in our area!
Old Baldy is North Carolina’s Southernmost lighthouse. Located on Bald Head Island, it is a fun trip to make to view, as you can only venture to the island by water or air. To make a fun adventure out of your visit to the lighthouse, take the ferry that runs from Southport, NC to Bald Head Island. The lighthouse features patchwork and repair as it has been in existence for over 200 years! Climb the 108 stairs and 5landings to reach the top and experience the spectacular views of Bald Head Island and the Cape FearRiver Estuary. Explore the grounds surrounding the lighthouse and enjoy lunch at the picnic tables. Within the lightkeeper’s quarters, you’ll find the Smith Island Museum of History. Learn all about Bald HeadIsland’s significance. Admission for self-guided tours is $8 for adults and $5 for children. Fall visiting hours are Tuesday-Saturday from 10 am-4 pm.
Located on Oak Island, the Oak Island lighthouse features a light that can be seen from over 16 miles away! At the time of its construction in 1958, it was the second brightest in the United States. To this day, the Oak Island Lighthouse remains vital for navigational aid in Southeastern North Carolina. It gives off four bright flashes every ten seconds. The lighthouse sits 169feet above the water, and tours are open to the public! 131 steep metal ship steps take you up to an outdoor balcony where you can experience views of Oakland and surrounding areas. Tours are recommended to be scheduled two weeks in advance and are available beginning at 9:30 am on Wednesdays and Saturdays. You must be nine years or older to climb to the top. Parking and tours are free.
These two lighthouses in Brunswick County are beloved landmarks of the area’s residents and vacationers alike and we encourage you to visit them for yourself! Other lighthouses in North Carolina include TheBodie Island Lighthouse, Currituck Beach Lighthouse, Ocracoke Lighthouse, and the cape LookoutLighthouse.These are just a small part of the coastal beautyNorth Carolina offers, and what entices people to our area. Explore for yourself and let us show you why so many people make the move to call north Carolina home. Give us a call at 855-902-9575.